How To Choose A Career Path

DR JOHN DEMARTINI   -   Updated 6 months ago

If you are in the process of choosing a career, considering changing your career, or looking for ways to help make your current career more inspiring and fulfilling, then you’re about to read an article that could help…


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DR JOHN DEMARTINI - Updated 6 months ago

If you’re at the point of embarking on your professional career and you’re wondering what to do? Or if you’re already working but feeling uninspired by what you do and find you’re experiencing Monday morning blues, Wednesday hump day, and "Thank God it's Friday" mentality then know that there a few simple steps you can take to ensure that your professional life going forward brings you the fulfillment you desire.

Werever you are in your career – just starting out or with many years’ experience under your belt, if you are feeling uninspired and unfulfilled, here are two primary options for you to consider:

  1. You can choose to pursue what you TRULY love and find a way to package it in a manner that serves others and brings you financial rewards (I've been fortunate to follow this path.)
  2. Alternatively, you can LEARN TO APPRECIATE and LOVE what you do by linking it to your core highest values (what’s most important to you) and thereby find meaning and inspiration in it.

The key to fulfillment in work is to do what you love and delegate everything else.

I've encountered thousands of individuals in my signature 2-day Breakthrough Experience program who have described their jobs as “draining”, “unfulfilling”, and “soul-destroying”. In response, I encourage them to identify their core values (their highest most intrinsic values); list their job duties in detail; and link each job duty to their core values by asking and repeatedly answering the following question.

“How specifically will fulfilling this particular job responsibility or duty within the list of my job description help me fulfill my top three highest values?”  Doing this for each job duty on the list one by one can transform your feelings about and appreciation of your work.

By discovering what truly matters to you and means the most and linking each job duty to these top three highest values, you can transform your job's meaning from uninspiring to meaningful and fulfilling.

Initially, this may seem challenging, but holding yourself accountable to make these connections can yield significant results. As you continue this process for each duty on your list, your engagement, productivity, and fulfillment in your job will increase, making you genuinely inspired to be at work while also earning an income for doing what’s now more meaningful.

Moreover, when you're engaged in meaningful work, you're more likely to earn more money, spend your money more wisely, value yourself, be philanthropic, invest in your individual growth, and eventually achieve financial independence.

However, if you're unfulfilled in your career, you may tend to squander your earnings on immediate gratifications in the form of buying depreciating consumables as a way to compensate for your lack of fulfillment.

This unfulfillment can also lead to overeating, excessive drinking, or indulgence in other activities that provide only momentary satisfaction.

As long as you engage in meaningful and inspiring work that also provides a great living, you’re most likely to find fulfillment.

In my signature seminar program, the Breakthrough Experience, people often come to me with the sentiment that their jobs are draining them. In response, I help them to identify what they truly love – their highest values - and then help them discover ways to earn a substantial income from pursuing and fulfilling it.

I can guarantee that there's a way to make a fortune from almost any inspired mission you pursue. Theirs is consistently someone out there who has a need for what you offer. Typically, as an entrepreneur, it's easier to find an existing demand and meet it, but sometimes you can create demand by effectively presenting and packaging your original offerings to meet people's associated needs.

If you genuinely care about humanity, you'll likely find innovative ways to meet those needs while earning a handsome income from doing what you love.

And I firmly believe that you can achieve something extraordinary by pursuing what you're inspired about and be handsomely rewarded for it, building substantial wealth in the process.

However, not everyone’s highest value is to amass a vast fortune. Some individuals simply aim to do very well, and that's perfectly valid.

I want to make it clear that it’s unwise to perceive that great achievement hinges solely on money. Your sense of achievement and fulfillment is rooted in your highest values (what’s most important to you). If you don’t have wealth accumulation as a focus because it’s just not as important as other aspects of your life that you are focusing on, then you won’t do what it takes to master wealth building and you’ll probably not have financial wealth by some people’s standards.

how to choose a career

People have diverse sets of values and different life goals; some prioritize starting and raising a family. There's no reason why you can't build a family, marry someone, and lead a fulfilling life. It's equally possible to raise a family independently while engaging in meaningful work that provides a comfortable living. The whole spectrum of possibilities is open to you.

However, if you find yourself caught in the cycle of Monday morning blues, Wednesday hump days, counting down to Fridays, and clinging to weekends, it’s likely you’re unfulfilled, then your most amazing life may pass you by.

If you're one of those individuals who are no longer in their youth and are not just starting out on a new path, I’d encourage you to take some time to evaluate your current situation and identify how it is contributing to the fulfillment of your core values (highest values).

Alternatively, if you have a clear aspiration that you believe will bring greater fulfillment and income, ask yourself how your current temporary job is helping you progress toward that goal. View it as a stepping stone to your intended or desired destination.

Remember, there's a reason why you're doing what you're doing; you obviously see some value in it, whether it's financial security, connections, insights, skills development, or something else. Embrace what you have, and you'll find more things to appreciate. Link your current job description to your highest values and to you newly intended vision.

Challenge yourself to explore how your current job duties, responsibilities, and actions align with your life's highest values or your desired career path.

As you make these links or connections, you'll tend to be infused with renewed energy, and likely discover more opportunities within your current job to facilitate your transition.

An example of this is a gentleman I met in Dallas, Texas a few years ago on the Breakthrough Experience. He was earning around $230,000 per year, which is a relatively substantial income. However, he believed he could achieve more.

He worked as a consultant for a company, receiving a percentage of the earnings, but he felt constrained by the limited scope of consulting projects he could undertake and the contractual restrictions preventing him from pursuing outside opportunities.

I advised him to assess how his current job and these constraints were helping him move toward his true aspirations. He revealed that he dreamed of starting his own consulting company. We examined all his responsibilities and calculated how much he was being paid to perform them.

Then, we explored ways to streamline his tasks, allowing him to complete them more efficiently and gain extra time. This extra time could be invested in his own venture.

We approached his employer with a proposal: if he could accomplish the same tasks in less time and at a reduced cost, they could become one of his clients, while he pursued his consulting firm. Initially hesitant, they eventually agreed to his proposal, though with certain conditions.

He transitioned from his role within the company to running his own consulting firm, with the company as his first client. Within a few years, he had secured about a dozen clients, nearly quadrupling his income to almost a million dollars per year.

What's remarkable is that the same income was now earned through his initial consulting firm becoming one of his clients, allowing him to delegate lower priority tasks and focus on more critical aspects of his business. He surrounded himself with individuals capable of handling delegated responsibilities, achieving liberation and greater financial returns.

how to choose a career

If you're not engaged in work that truly inspires you, and you're not delegating lower-priority tasks to focus on what matters most, you may be unwittingly trapping yourself.

By linking your job description duties to your highest values and life’s purpose, you are more likely to become more engaged and fulfilled.

I'm confident that I can take anyone's job and transform it into something that brings them immense satisfaction, meaning and inspiration. It all boils down to the ratios of their perceptions and the amount of links they make.

If you associate disadvantages and pain with your job, you'll naturally want to distance yourself from it.

On the other hand, if you recognize the advantages and pleasure it offers, you'll likely be intrinsically driven to engage wholeheartedly.

I can guide you to examine any job duty, posing questions that help you identify the links between your work and your highest values, ultimately inspiring you.

If you're a student or just starting out, I recommend that you aim for something deeply meaningful or, if wealth-building is a priority, target a path that offers both meaning and substantial income.

My observation is that those who solely pursue income without meaning or inspiration often find themselves in the fast or debaucherous lane, seeking extravagant and more hedonistic pleasures, extravagant spending, and attempting to live a flashy life to compensate for their lack of fulfillment.

As I often say, money without meaning often leads to debauchery, but when money is coupled with a sense of purpose, it can pave the way for philanthropy.

In my experience, many people find themselves trapped in the immediate gratifying debaucherous lane without a sense of meaning in what they're doing. I believe it's more rewarding to pursue something that holds genuine meaning for you.


  • Take a moment to reflect on what your life has consistently demonstrated to be inspiring and fulfilling for you.
  • Explore how you can align this inspiration with meeting people's true and highly demanded needs and being paid handsomely for your services.
  • Consider conducting a brainstorming session to determine how you can package and market what you're genuinely inspired to do.
  • Identify your unique qualities, knowledge, features, and talents, and consider how they can benefit others.
  • Then, explore how you can package, market, and advertise your offerings.

As a researcher and teacher, I've found a way to provide value to people, and this has blessed me with financial freedom.

Zig Ziglar once told me that if I help others achieve what they desire in life, I'll attain what I desire.

My father expressed a similar sentiment: when you exceed people's expectations, you won't need to worry about financial returns.

So, ask yourself, "How can I serve ever greater numbers of people using my skills, knowledge, and talents?"

how to choose a career

Give yourself permission to pursue what you truly love and package it in a way that serves a strong demand within wide audience. Not everything may be equally or easily marketable, but you can focus on what inspires you the most and link the less inspiring aspects of your work to what inspires you so you are more fully engaged. By doing so, you'll remain engaged and inspired while ensuring that your values are fulfilled.

I've seen people become trapped in unfulfilling jobs and attempt to compensate by filling their lives with material possessions. They purchase houses with excessive storage space for items that depreciate in value, ultimately burdening themselves financially.

I believe it is wiser to allow yourself to fulfill your life by doing meaningful work that inspires you and meets great needs of others.

One of the most satisfying aspects of life is making a contributive impact on a large number of people and receiving daily expressions of gratitude for your service.

If you're pursuing a career, it’s wise to choose something that has meaning and purpose.

This is what sets us apart from animals - we have the ability to engage in work that holds meaning and significance.

As Hubert Howe Bancroft stated in his Book of Wealth:

  • Wealthy individuals share three common traits: they believe they're here to serve a vast number of people through a product, service, or idea;
  • They transcend the notion that money is inherently good or evil; and
  • They strive to elevate the quality of people's lives while focusing on inspiration rather than desperation.


  • Give yourself permission to pursue what you love and love what you do.
  • Delegate lower-priority tasks if necessary to focus on what is truly a priority for you.
  • Continually ask yourself how your actions align with your highest values.
  • Avoid the trap of comparing your life to others; their lives are different and come with their own unique challenges and supports.
  • Instead, compare your daily actions to your own highest or core values, so you are more likely to lead a meaningful life.

I've been teaching the Breakthrough Experience for over 3 decades and have witnessed countless transformations, career advancements, and individual growth. I encourage you to join me in this program, where I share principles that have been honed over 5 decades of study.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. I’d love to guide you toward a more fulfilling and meaningful career.

Say goodbye to Monday morning blues, Wednesday hump days, and the quest for weekend relief. I’d love to help you achieve the inspiring, meaningful, financially abundant life you deserve and can have.


  • It is unwise to let yourself be trapped in a job that lacks inspiration and purpose. Life passes quickly, so make the most of your time.
  • Consider two options: pursue what you truly love while serving others and achieving financial abundance or learn to love what you do by connecting your job description to your highest values.
  • Money without meaning can lead to empty indulgence, but purpose-driven work brings fulfillment.
  • Examine your job's responsibilities and find ways to link your daily job actions to what truly matters to you – your top three highest values.
  • If you're in a job that doesn't inspire you, seek ways to delegate less meaningful tasks and focus on what truly matters.
  • Link your job with your highest values to infuse your work with renewed energy and opportunities.
  • Pursue income with a sense of purpose, instead of the fast and debaucherous lane of empty extravagance.
  • Remember that money combined with purpose can lead to philanthropy.
  • Take action by identifying your inspiration, packaging it for others, and serving a broader audience.
  • Give yourself permission to follow what inspires you most and package it effectively so you can be paid to do what you love.

In the Breakthrough Experience program, you can learn how to make these principles work for you and transform your career and life. I am certain that it is unwise to waste your time counting down to weekends; and wiser to find fulfillment in meaningful service to others.

I would love to help you make the most of your career by aligning it with your inspirations and highest values, so you can find true fulfillment and achieve what you truly desire in from all areas of life.


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